
Our School Uniform

Below you will find information about the school uniform for our Foundation Stage 2 children. While many of our children in Foundation Stage 1 also choose to wear uniform, it is not compulsory.

School Jumpers and Cardigans

The colour of our school jumpers and cardigans are Royal Blue and we do not require our uniform to have a school logo. As such uniform is widely available through supermarkets and uniform retailers in the UK at a reasonable price and can be purchased prior to your arrival in Gibraltar. Uniform is also available in a number of shops here in Gibraltar.

Trousers, Shorts, Skirts and Pinafores

Children should wear smart black or dark grey trousers, shorts, skirts and pinafores.

In the summer months, some prefer to wear blue gingham dresses.

Polo Shirts

Children should wear plain white polo shirts as part of their daily uniform. Again, these do not need to have the school logo on them.


Children should wear smart, black shoes that are suitable for life in a busy classroom and that are robust enough for the playground. Our children enjoy spending time outside in the garden, so they should be suitable for running, riding bikes and playing. In the Winter months, you may also want to bring a pair of wellington boots into school so that children can change into them for outdoor play.

PE Kit

We do not specify colours for our PE kit. Children will need clothing that is appropriate for climbing and moving freely. We recommend that children have a pair of shorts/leggings, a t-shirt (and jumper in colder months) and a pair of trainers.