
All applications for educational supportability assessments can only be processed during school term times. Please ensure that applications for admission are submitted as early as possible, to avoid a delay to your posting.

Welcome to Our School 

We always look forward to welcoming new pupils to St. Christopher’s EYFS. In order to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of all the children in our setting, please ensure that you begin the admissions process as early as possible. If you have any questions about the admissions process or our setting, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Admission to MOD Schools requires Confirmation of Educational Supportability prior to a family posting overseas. Without Confirmation of Educational Supportability children cannot be admitted to an MOD school or setting. Please read the Educational Supportability Assessment leaflet prior to applying for a place in St. Christopher’s EYFS. This will explain the process and let you know what to expect. 

Step 1

The first step in the admissions process is to complete an Educational Supportability Assessment Request (ESAR), which requests relevant information e.g. name of child, date of birth, name, rank, service number (if applicable), assignment date, family details, details of any educational, social or emotional additional needs and contact details for your child’s current school.

Step 2

If your child currently attends an EYFS setting or other education provider, they will need to complete an Overseas Education Supportability Form. It is important that you contact your child’s current education provider and encourage them to complete and return the form as quickly as possible. Your child’s current setting should return the completed form, copying you in, to our school liaison officer on [email protected]

If your child does not currently attend an EYFS setting, we will make contact with you and ask you to complete a Parental Declaration form. This allows us to find out more information about your child and any additional needs they may have, to allow us to begin the Supportability Assessment Process.

Step 3

The setting will begin the Educational Supportability Assessment process as soon as we receive a completed EOS and/or Parental Declaration Forms. We will also make contact, wherever possible, with your child’s current provider to find out a little more about them. In some instances, we may require further advice about whether a child’s needs can be met. In this instance, a MASO (MOD Assessment of Supportability Overseas) process will begin, which can take up to 9 weeks. Further information about this process can be found in the leaflet below.

Step 4

As soon as you receive Confirmation of Educational Supportability from us, please submit this to the Families Section at MOD Abbey Wood which is necessary to confirm your posting and flight to Gibraltar. We will also begin the admissions process for St. Christopher’s EYFS and send you the relevant forms which will need to be stamped by the serving persons unit.

Admission regulations for MoD Schools are outlined in JSP 342

Step 5

Once all of the paperwork has been completed we will send you a welcome pack to share with your child. This contains some photographs of our staff and setting and gives you a small glimpse into the exciting opportunities available at St. Christopher’s EYFS. We will also confirm who your child’s teacher or key person will be.

How can I contact the school? 

For information relating to admissions to St. Christopher’s EYFS please use the contact details below in the first instance.

Postal Address:  St Christopher’s EYFS, HELM Point, Four Corners BFPO 52

Tel: +350 2005 3649

Email: [email protected]


MOD Schools

MOD schools are intended, as far as possible, to provide the same pattern of education as that given in England.

Who can come to our school?

Pupils entitled to be educated at St. Christopher’s EYFS are dependent Foundation Stage aged children of HM Forces or MoD UK Based Civilian personnel posted to Gibraltar on an accompanied tour. Contractors’ children may be admitted in accordance with MOD policy, mostly outlined in JSP 342.