We follow the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework.
The Framework is divided into 3 sections:
1. Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
2. The Prime Areas of learning
3. The Specific Areas of learning
Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
How a child learns in the early years is related to the characteristics of effective learning. These are:
Playing and exploring, which is about finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to ‘have a go’.
Active Learning, which is about being involved and concentrating, persevering and enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
Creating and thinking critically, which is about having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things.
The three Prime Areas of learning are:
Communication and Language. This is about children developing good listening and attention, understanding what is being said and developing speaking skills so they can express themselves.
Physical Development. This is about children working on coordination with big and small movements, developing their control and coordination and also developing their independence within self-care.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This is about children developing their relationships with other children and adults and growing in self-confidence and awareness. We also develop their understanding of managing their feelings.
The four Specific Areas of learning are:
Literacy. This is developing children’s knowledge of stories, rhymes and reading and developing mark making and writing.
Mathematics. This is developing children’s concept of number, counting and shape, space and measures.
Understanding the World. This develops children’s understanding of the world around them through both people and communities, nature and technology.
Expressive Arts and Design. This develops children’s creative ideas through different forms. We explore music, dance, different media and materials and promote imaginary play.
Our Curriculum Drivers

Curriculum Policy Statements
Early Reading
As a school we follow the ‘Read Write Inc.’ phonics scheme which shares our drive to ensure that every child learns to read and write. The comprehensive systematic scheme teaches phonics, reading, comprehension and writing through structured, daily adult led lessons.

PSHE – Jigsaw
At St. Christopher’s EYFS, we follow Jigsaw in both FS1 and FS2. Our weekly sessions are very popular with the children and aim to prepare them for life, helping the really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

PSHE – My Happy Mind

At St. Christopher’s EYFS, in addition to our weekly PSHE sessions, we use My Happy Mind to help create a positive mental wellbeing culture in which children build resilience, self-esteem, and character. My Happy Mind uses the latest research, science, and technology to help children develop lifelong habits and learn to thrive.
My Happy Mind is taught across the setting in weekly sessions, and consists of 5 units:
Meet Your Brain – Learning about how our brains work.
Celebrate – Understanding our character strengths and celebrating ourselves.
Appreciate – Developing gratitude as a habit.
Relate – Building positive relationships.
Engage – Engaging with the world
“Both children and staff love our weekly myHappymind sessions. They are full of fun activities, stories and songs that deliver important messages and teach children practical skills to support positive mental wellbeing.”
Miss Stephens – EYFS Leader

We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Silver Accredited nursery!
This means that as a nursery we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities. We have created a whole nursery culture that helps build our children’s resilience, confidence and self-esteem as well as teaching them how to self-regulate in those stressful times.
This Accreditation badge has been awarded thanks to all the effort our staff, children, governors and parents have put in to bring myHappymind to life all around our nursery!!
To Learn more about the myHappymind for Nursery programme visit their website here – https://myhappymind.org/
Our Remote Learning Offer
In the event that we need to return to offering remote learning, here is an overview of what our teaching and learning may involve.

If you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact us.